The ultimate guide to spray tanning!

Thinking about getting a spray tan but have questions? After 20 years of fake tanning, I have looked done the research and tried basically everything, so I want to make it easy for you by compiling all the key things you need to know in one place. Beware, this is A LOT of information, but I think it’s helpful to have it all in one place, so feel free to browse around the sections most helpful to you. Here’s my ultimate guide to spray tanning!

Just want some product recommendations? Feel free to jump down to the section, how to achieve and maintain the best spray tan results.

What is a spray tan?

The quick and simple explanation is that a spray tan applying a product to the skin that reacts with the outermost layer of the skin causing it to turn brown. Because it is a reaction with the actual skin cells, it doesn’t rinse off like makeup, and will gradually fade over the course of a few weeks as your skin naturally sheds.

To get more technical - The process involves applying a fine mist of tanning solution to the skin. The primary ingredient in most spray tans is dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a colorless sugar. When DHA interacts with the amino acids in the outer layer of your skin, it produces a brown pigment called melanoidin, which gives the appearance of a tan and is the reason a tan will last 7 - 10 days, as opposed to makeup which washes off.

How It Works

  • DHA Reaction: DHA reacts with the dead skin cells in the stratum corneum (the outermost layer of the skin) to produce a tan. This reaction occurs only on the surface layer and does not affect deeper skin layers.

  • Customization: Tanning solutions vary in DHA concentration, allowing for different shades and intensities based on your skin type and desired results. The length of time you leave the spray tanning product on your skin will also determine the depth of color. More to come on this.

Sun tan vs. a spray tan

Why would you pay for a spray tan when the sun is free? There are many reasons why you should consider a spray tan rather than tanning in the sun. It is becoming more widely accepted that tanning in the sun has many health and safety risks such as cancer, as well as aging the skin, so don’t risk it! Here’s a bit more detail.

Sun tan

  • Application: Developed through exposure to UV rays from the sun or tanning beds.

  • Risks: Increases risk of skin damage and aging, sunburn, and skin cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns against the use of tanning beds due to their cancer risk and in fact, tanning beds are actually illegal in some countries because of their known dangers.

  • Consistency: Can result in uneven tan lines and damage, requiring careful management to avoid overexposure.

  • Customization: Less control over shade and intensity, with a higher risk of uneven coloring and damage.

  • Convenience: Requires laying in the sun and using various lotions for hours to achieve desired color.

  • Consideration: Tanning in the sun can cause significant skin aging and damage. While this may not impact younger skin, as you age it may lead you to spending thousands of dollars on skin care products and treatments such as Botox and fillers in order to reverse the signs of skin aging caused from the sun. So while it may save you money when you are younger, it will definitely cost you more in the long-run!

Spray tan

  • Application: Achieved through a mist of tanning solution applied either in a booth or by a professional technician.

  • Safety: Avoids UV exposure, reducing risks such as skin cancer and premature aging. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and the Skin Cancer Foundation endorse spray tanning as a safer alternative to UV exposure.

  • Customization: Provides even, streak-free coverage and can be adjusted for various skin tones and preferences for depth of the final color. Whether you want to have a natural, barely there tan to a deep tan that looks like you’ve been on a week-long tropical vacation, you can achieve those results!

  • Convenience: Quick application process with the appointment lasting 15-30 minutes. Spray tan must be left on for 20 minutes to 8 hours depending on the product and desired result but you can go on with your day during the development process as long as you stay dry (including sweat). Available in salons or, even more conveniently, via mobile spray tan services that will come to your home.

Booth vs. custom spray tan

Ok, so now you know what a spray tan is and that spray tans are the best way to get your glow. Should you go the route of going into a booth, or engage a professional spray tan artist to achieve the best tan?

Booth spray tan

  • Process: Automated booths apply the solution from multiple angles, using airbrush technology.

  • Pros: Fast and cost-effective, with uniform coverage.

  • Cons: Less personalized. May not address specific skin needs or achieve precise results. Risk of uneven tan if user does not stand in correct positions. Product is generally lower end and final color result may not be as natural.

Custom spray tan artist

  • Process: A professional technician uses a hand-held spray gun to apply the solution, customizing the tan based on your skin type and goals.

  • Pros: Highly personalized service, ensuring a natural-looking tan tailored to individual needs. Ideal for achieving specific results and addressing unique skin conditions.

  • Cons: More time-consuming and expensive but offers expert application and customization.

How does a spray tan actually work?

Whether you go with a spray tanning booth or a custom spray tan artist, the process will be relatively similar. If you you go into a salon, everything is already set up for you and staff will take you into the tanning room so that you can get ready. If you choose a mobile spray tan artist to come to your home, they will arrive and set up a mobile spray tan tent that is approximately 3X3 feet and covered on three sides, top and bottom to ensure that the spray tan does not get on anything in your home.

  • What to wear during the spray tan: Wear minimal clothing such as underwear or swimwear, or use disposable garments provided by the salon. You also have the option to wear no clothes, it’s completely up to you. Importantly, you should think about why you are tanning and what outfits you may be wearing when you have your tan and what tan lines you do or do not want showing. And don’t feel embarrassed about going commando. If you’re in a booth no one will see you, but your spray tan artist is also a trained professional so there’s nothing to be worried about!

  • Protection: The FDA approves the use of spray tan for external use on the skin. However, it is not approved to be ingested and is therefore recommended that you take precautions such as eye and nose covers. Your spray tan salon or artist should offer this to you during your appointment.

  • What to wear after the spray tan: In order to avoid disrupting your spray tan while it develops, you should wear dark, loose-fitting clothes following your appointment before you shower. If you can, long sleeves and long pants are best to avoid coming into contact with surfaces such as a hot car seat.

  • Stickiness: The solution may feel slightly sticky initially, but this will diminish as it dries within about 5-10 minutes. You can also ask your spray tan artist or salon whether they have a finishing powder that will help to remove that sticky feeling.

  • Application time: The process generally takes 15-30 minutes, including setup and spraying.

  • Development time: The salon or spray tan artist should make a recommendation to you about the ideal time to leave your spray tan on before showing in order for it to fully develop. Depending on the product used and desired outcome, this may be anywhere from 20 minutes to 8 hours. Avoid getting your skin wet or sweating during this period to ensure even development. Importantly, while the product needs to be left on the skin for this timeframe, the actual color will take 12 - 24 hours to fully develop. So, don’t stress if you hop out of your shower and you look close to your natural color again. This was just the spray tan bronzers washing off and your skin will gradually get darker over the next 24 hours.

  • Important: Many people forget to think about

    • Condensation - if you are drinking a cold drink, make sure it does not drip anywhere on you

    • Pets and kids - have a tendency to lick or drool, make sure they don’t do this near you while your tan is developing

    • Going to the bathroom - this is a tough one! Go to the toilet before you get your spray tan so you can try to avoid needing to while your tan develops. If you have to go, make sure you avoid your skin getting wet otherwise this will not be an ideal look once your tan develops!

  • How to save your tan if you do get wet: Don’t stress, you can recover if you do get a little bit wet! The best thing to do is grab a makeup brush and put a tiny bit of water on it, then wipe the water off with a paper towel. You want it to be very mildly damp. Then use the makeup brush to blend the tan over the area that got wet with the surrounding areas. If you can blend it all together soon after you get wet, then the tan should still develop normally and you should not notice the spot where you got wet.

  • Shower Instructions: There are two shower steps to ensure your spray tan development. The first is a rinse with lukewarm water after the recommended development period. During this first shower you should not use any soap, shampoo, conditioners or exfoliators, it is truly just a shower to lightly rinse off the spray tan. The second shower you can take 24 hours after your spray tan and you can go back to using soaps, shampoos and conditioners in this shower. After all showers when you have your spray tan you should pat dry being gentle with your skin.

How to achieve and maintain the best spray tan results

Spray tan preparation steps

  • Exfoliate: This step is extremely important because the DHA in tanning products adheres to the outermost layer of your skin. It’s important to remove dead skin cells by exfoliating your skin 24-48 hours before the appointment. I personally prefer to exfoliate twice before my appointment, 4 days prior and 2 days prior. If you have a regular exfoliating schedule of once or twice per week, this will yield the best results. Avoid harsh scrubs that may irritate or scratch the skin. When done correctly, this will ensure a fresh layer of skin for the tan to adhere to helping to improve the life and evenness of your spray tan. Here are some products that are great for exfoliating:

  • Shaving and waxing: Shaving and waxing remove a layer of your skin, so it’s extremely important to wax at least 48 hours before, and shave at least 24 hours before your spray tan to ensure an even tan and avoid skin irritations. If you shave or wax too close to your spray tan appointment, you could end up with unwanted areas being darker and more noticeable.

    • You might say, but then my hair will grow back before my event. Don’t stress, if you have exfoliated properly, lightly shaving (hear, very lightly) will not dramatically impact your tan if done one or two days after.

  • Hydrate: While exfoliating will remove the dead and dry skin cells on the outside, hydrating will help to keep your skin moist and ready from the inside out. So make sure you stay hydrated and drink plenty of water in the lead up to (and after) your spray tan.

  • On the day of the appointment: Do not shave, wax or exfoliate. Avoid being in water within 4 hours of the appointment. Ensure all makeup, moisturizers, oils and deodorants are removed and that you have taken off all jewelry. If you need to shower to remove anything, keep the shower short and use cool water to keep your pores from opening up.

After-tan care

Once you’ve got your spray tan, it is so important to care for it properly to get the maximum life of your spray tan, but also to ensure that it fades gradually and evenly.

How long will the spray tan last?

With the proper preparation and care as discussed above, a spray tan typically lasts between 7 to 10 days. Longevity depends on skin type, care, and the quality of the solution used. Things to consider.

  • Exfoliating, moisturizing and hydrating will help to maintain your tan

  • You should always pat dry when getting using a towel after a shower or swim

  • If you swim in the ocean or pool, know that your tan will fade more quickly from either the salt water or the chemicals.

    • Pro tip: If you are getting a spray tan for vacation and you know you will be doing a lot of swimming, make sure you rinse of as quickly as you can after you get out of the pool or ocean each time. You can also add a gradual tanner into your routine to help maintain your glow. Patting dry, moisturizing and hydrating are also particularly important as salt water and chemicals tend to try out the skin.

Additional information

Safety considerations

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Generally spray tanning is considered safe when pregnant or breastfeeding however, is it always important to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice. You can request a list of ingredients from your spray tan artist or salon to provide to your healthcare professional as well. And most importantly, you should ALWAYS check with your health care provider first. See more information on spray tanning while pregnant in my blog.

  • Sensitive skin: The FDA considers DHA safe for topical use on the skin. Depending on the product used spray tanning is generally considered safe for those with sensitive skin, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. If you are particular concerned you should look for a spray tan artist or salon that use high end, natural and organic ingredients. You can always ask for a list of ingredients, and you can also request to do a patch test before doing a full spray tan, though you do need to be prepared ahead of time for this as you’ll need to wait at least 24 hours after a patch test.

Mobile spray tanning

So now you’re convinced you need to get a spray tan, where should you go? Spray tanning has never been easier and more convenient than it is today with my companies offering mobile services. You can now get a spray tan in between meetings or activities at home, and let it develop while you get on with your day! It may be a little more expensive, but there are so many benefits.

  • Time saved by not having to drive to a salon, the spray tan technician will be in and out within 15-30 minutes

  • No need to worry about being in public at a salon, you can be in the comfort of your own home

  • You don’t need to think about what you wear after your appointment, you can wear whatever you are most comfortable in at home

  • You don’t have to worry about impacting your spray tan with rain or sweating from heat. You can set the temperature inside your home and you don’t have to leave your front door

When should you consider getting a spray tan?

You really never need an excuse to get a spray tan. For me, being tanned increases my general mood and confidence, and just overall makes me feel better about myself. So I like to tan for any and no reason at all!

  • Events: Think about the color and style of the outfit you are wearing and the depth of tan that would be complimentary

  • Weddings: Perfect for brides, grooms, and wedding parties to achieve a radiant, flawless look. There are many professionals out there offering spray tan parties where you can get a group of people together and spray tan at the same time. This is a fun way to achieve your glow!

  • Vacations: Provides a sun-kissed appearance before you’ve spent time in the sun so you don’t need to worry about looking pale in those vacation outfits.

  • Boosting confidence: A spray tan can enhance your appearance and self-esteem, making you feel more confident and positive even when you don’t have something in particular to go to. Waking up and feeling like you don’t have to put makeup on because your skin is already glowing is one of the best things about spray tans.

Sunscreen Reminder:

While spray tans provide a beautiful glow without UV exposure, they do not replace the need for sunscreen. Always protect your skin from harmful UV rays to prevent skin cancer and premature aging.


I hope I have provided you with all the things to consider about getting a spray tan. I love being in this business because it brings me so much joy to hear how happy my clients are once their tans have developed. Being able to bring confidence and a self-esteem boost through my work is the greatest gift.

If you have any questions or you’re still unsure, I am here to help! You can always reach me on my cell, via email, or on the socials listed below.

I can’t wait to give you your sun-kissed glow!


There’s nothing better than being tanned.


Spray tans are for men, too!